PDRi believes in research as the major tool to assess and evaluate the professionals in their respective areas of professions. The research is unique and innovative in the sense that PDRi determines the capacities and competencies of the adult working class in their areas of jobs. Unlike academic and scholarly research PDRi is the first forum in the country which is supposed to check and examine the potentials of working professionals. As a method the research at PDRi is supposed to
Methodology: For this purpose, PDRi has established its research journal, the Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development (.JIRD, which has its ISSN Number in the pipeline.
Those potential professionals who seek gap in their area of job in a firm/company/organization and write at least 12 pages research article with at least below than 15% plagiarism can publish it in the journal free of cost except two thousand pkr as maintenance fee.
The professionals can use the research article in
DRI, is the first ever forum in Pakistan which came into being with the sole aim to focus on the Development Of Professionals- where professionals for us mean a person who is a cobbler or World Class Engineer in a local or multi national firm.
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