Following European, French and USA patterns of PMQ, Professional Research Development Institute & Consultancy Services, ( PDRi/C), Under the leadership of the country’s renowned researcher , educator and innovative expert on  Education , Prof. Dr Zshah, PhD, after researching the trends, established this type of Professional Qualification aimed to professionally develop the marginal segment of the country, which  is engaged in various professional jobs inside and outside of the country—-,  without completing formal academic qualification.

What is Professional Matriculation?

Professional Matriculation is a new alternative approach to existing Qualification Frame Work. First work on such type of professional and vocation specific qualification has been done by Europe, USA, and especially France.  If a person is being examined through any appropriate and accurate way, to determine his level of application of the gained knowledge/ skills during a specific period of time. If this value is determined and compared with that of a regular academic matriculate prospect of the traditional academy / institution. The 90 percent  preference in various surveys go in favor of the professional matriculation.

A professional Matriculate is always on Job, he is on way of progression in his job and finally become a vibrant expert and enjoy a respectful position in the industry and surrounding.


How It Works?

Under our philosophy, those persons who are 5th or 8th pass, and gained experience in a specific field for more than 03 years at least are eligible to get this Matric Standard Diploma of 02 year, under easy process of assignments and MCQS types  papers at own pace and place online, with in short time on fast track.


After completion this program, the candidate will have Canadian Certificate of two years with one comprehensive transcript, with minimum 08 subjects.

The said professional matric will be online and physically verified from the website of, Canada.

This will enhance the working capacity in the concerned company of job

It will open new avenues for jobs in other companies and can get more salary

This will also create respect of the diploma holder in society

After Professional Matric, the candidate is having progression rout to Professional Inter mediate and professional Bachelor/ Master and Doctorate courses   from European International University, Paris.


Major Courses In Professional Matric ( Syllabus)


  1. Science Subjects like Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths
  2. Social Sciences Courses like Pakistan Studies, Islamic Study, and two optional courses. These two optional courses may include the subjects in which the candidate is having experience.


How to Study & Mode of Examination:

After admission the candidate will join our Learning Management Study, and see all books and course materials including 04 ASSIGNMENTS & 02 MCQs Online Exam.  After completing assignments, In case the candidate gets less than 50 % of score he will be given second and even third chance of Exam. Unlike traditional academic   matric  , in the professional specific matric only those candidates  fail who are not skilled or having no vocation specific experience upto 03 years.



After successful completion the candidate will have a professional matriculation diploma, and this diploma in itself will be more effective, target oriented, professional, job oriented than the normal academic matric certificate.

Features of the Certificate:  A. Accredited by TRACCERT Canada, Which is govt of Canada Government Registered. This also registered as full member of Association Of Accrediting Agencies of Canada. You can check it on


FEE & Investment ( only for limited time)

In America and Europe such professional matriculation is very costly and its fee reaches upto 2000 USD. However being a Pakistani firm, PDRi has fixed the complete discounted Fee= 80,000/pkr up to 1-9-201( Per Agreement with 50% off)


EXEMPTIONS And Fast Track Facilities: Those candidates have more than 05 years regular experience with written  evidence can sit in the direct 08 trade tests and can earn the certificate with in 90 working days.



Admission Form.


Name Of Candidate

Father Name


Email Id


Area Of Experience

Location Current

Your Future Plan: Write in 100 words

Have Studied the above complete Details?  Yes/No








Professional Intermediate Standard Diploma ( PID)


It is a reality that more than 50% of Pakistanis working in various national and international companies or firms are only matriculate. They cannot admit to  academic schools or colleges due to multi factors. Jos and family issues, economic and social problems, age and peer problem are some of the factors.  The European countries, especially France has put into action the same framework, professional graduate and professional vocational  doctorate courses. This sort of certification is known as vocation specific qualification. Modern research in Europe indicates that such professionals proved more effective in the output compared with the others.


Keeping in view the existing research and future prospects, PDRi in Collaboration with Training Accreditation and Certification Organization , of Canada, has initiated this unique and job-friendly approach to contribute to the Pakistani skilled and professional lot around the world.

The award will be awarded to the eligible candidate with the title, Professional Intermediate Standards  In Science or any professional areas like Safety, Construction Civil, Mechanical or any technical fields.



Mode Of Exam: Unlike traditional academic schooling at college or school. Professional Intermediate two year Diploma is designed in an easy to get model. The important condition is the candidate must have the age upto 25 years with more than 04 years experience of work in any field in Pakistan or overseas.

Only online exams and 8 assignments be made by the candidate through learning management system. These papers will include general functional mathematics, every day science general questions, pak studies and Islamic study with three additional courses in which the candidate possess experience and skills. Usually no skilled candidate will fail.


Value of Diploma:


The Diploma will have a transcript of at least 8 courses

The Diploma will be online available on the website of Canada

The TRACCERT is a global Canada based body which is full member of AAAC.CA

Can help in new jobs/ new jobs opportunities world wide

Professional Intermediate will indicate your excellence in your areas of excellence


Fee Structure:

Initially till October 2021, the discounted fee is fixed as 0ne lac and ten thousand pkr.

Future Progression: On successful completion the candidate is encouraged to apply for Bachelor Vocation Specific in many areas from world reputed Paris based university


Apply Now

Name Of Candidate

Father Name:

Date of Birth:

Email & Whatsapp

Current Location:

Complete Experience in Years

Area of Experience:  write complete names of companies / fields

Name Of Courses: Professional Matric Standards/ Professional Intermediate Standards


PROFESSIONAL DAE  Or ADE Standards Courses

Many Pakistanis after matriculation are working in Pakistan or Abroad in the field of Mechanical, Electrical, Safety , Food Industry, Garments, Construction,  Auto cad , Computer Graphing , IT, Telecom, Leather Company and so many other areas. They are earning reasonable salaries and perks.

But the most difficult situation they face not to get any promotion, new jobs and increase in salaries, simply because they don’t have Diplomas in Associate Engineering in the specific fields. Even they don’t have opportunities to go to a regular college to complete the course due to family and financial compulsions.

Keeping in view this dismal scenario, the chief advisor of PDRi, in collaboration with TRAINING ACCREDITATION AND CERTIFICATION Organization of Canada, devised a new and innovative arrangement in which the skilled Pakistanis were declared to get the 3 year duration ethereal Professional Diploma In Associate Engineering( DAE) Standards in an easy and respectful way.

Who Can be Eligible For Professional DAE Standards Diploma?

  1. The candidate must have at least 04 years written experience letter.
  2. Must have passed Maric or Professional Standards Matric
  3. Must have familiarity with own area of job.
  4. Must write 04 Assignments and Appear in short MCQs type 04 papers
  5. Can be notarized By Canadian Govt and its additional Fee is 150USD.
  6. Internationally DAE is written ADE- Standards, Where ADE stands for Associate Diploma In Engineering


Fee Structure;

Discounted Fee is Fixed 1lac 40 thousand PKR, which the student can deposit in 3 installments.


Mode Of Study & Exam:

Online study and submission of 04 Research Assignments and Appearing in  3 Short MCQs Papers via our Learning Management PDILMS.COM, with full support by our trainer.


FAST TRACK System; For overseas On Job Professionals having more than 3 years experience and can submit the complete assignments with in one months and can pass the online exams in other month, can complete the three year diploma with in 3-4 months.