Modern and Non Traditional efforts of PDRi for Adult Working Professionals is the unique feature which distinguish the operation of PDRi from the rest of institutes. EduGlobal online is the chapter of PDRi which hunts to explore economical and affordable education for local and overseas Pakistan.
Direct Awards System:( DAS):
According to this method which is primarily in practice at advanced countries, the past experiences and work potentials of the candidates are transformed and accredited into Professional Certification. However to avail this opportunity the prospect is needed to write an essay type ACTION Research Assignment of 50 Pages, with less than 20% of plagiarism. This is the most suitable mode of study for overseas Pakistanis who are practically trained but dont have time for proper/ regular study. For those overseas who are having at least 04 years experience in a specific area, but at lower rank jobs like welding technicians, electricians, survey assistants, construction labour, health care attendants, etc can also be strongly encouraged for this mode with more flexibility. However such certifications will not be academic in nature.
Accelerated Mode Of Study ( AMS)
Some of the international universities give exemptions on bases of past work experiences, but still the prospect candidate is required to appear in the Research Thesis and online comprehensive examination. Upto 60% exemption can ,be earned by a mature and rigorously trained person in this system. According to AMS time is saved for the potential candidate.
Online Regular Learning:( ORL)
This system of study is suited to a fresh or semi skilled candidate, and he can not stand eligible for any kind of exemptions. However, Online classes on Zoom Technology will be taken by instructor. The one or two year online learning will be completed with in short time of 03 months. Additional fee will be charged for it.
Campus Based Learning:( CBL)
We also offer some short training based courses, at our Head office Mardan and Training campus Lahore.
PDRi, being a research institute encourages the candidates to apply for national and international certifications on bases of research and online classes. Our motto is to develop and promote research based professional development based continuing qualification, to enhance the scientific knowledge. For this purpose PDRi has established its own multidisciplinary research journal where the publication fee is zero.
DRI, is the first ever forum in Pakistan which came into being with the sole aim to focus on the Development Of Professionals- where professionals for us mean a person who is a cobbler or World Class Engineer in a local or multi national firm.
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