PDRi is in Collaboration with following Bodies and Institutions

Affiliated with Crown University

Affiliated with UNESCO

PDRi Affiliations & Collaboration ( A Facilitation Point For Admission & Research Activities)

PDRi is facilitation collaboration point with international bodies for Professional Development as

Affiliated with TREAC Council U.S.A

Affiliated with TTB (Govt. of KPK)

Affiliated KESMONDS University

PDRi is registered with Trade Testing Board , Directorate General Technical Education & Manpower Govt of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa Pakistan.

PDRi is proud member of Employers Federation of Pakistan

Affiliated By KESMONDS University

PDRi  is a doubly ISO-certified institute of tertiary nature- means provide services like research, training, and capacity development initiative. It is the best option for alternative education for,

A. Busy on job professionals

B. Overseas Pakistanis 

It does not provide any award by itself, however, PDRi is the best option for those who are passionate about international-based certification and recognition.

Introduction of PDRi

PDRi stands for Professional Development and Research Initiative ( PDRi). This project of Professional Development, started in 2004, and attained the current status from 2019 onwards and was renamed as Professional Development Research Institute & Consultancy Services.

PDRiC is doubly ISO certified Exclusive Body in the country.

Accreditation & Certification

A. International Quality Assurance Of Higher Education. Click Here to view the accreditation details.

 Working & Collaboration and Facilitation 


TRACCERT is also a member of the Association of Accrediting Agencies  Of Canada    (aaac.ca)

Activities: Mainly 1 and 2 year Professional Research-Based Diplomas in the Field of Experience Or Training are awarded to the prospects in any field subject to final trade tests/assignment. Initially, the membership of Diploma holders will be available on the web page of TRACCERT Canada for at least three years as per the policies of the said organization.

  1. University of Pacific Nicaragua USA( www.pacific.edu.ni)

This university operates from Nicaragua with its International Campus at Taiwan. The University is UNESCO listed and its status can be verified from www.whed.net. This university also offers courses in Natural Medicine and is registered by American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board USA. 

In addition this university approves all the courses of PDRi, and offers its courses with special discount/scholarships for Pakistani working professionals only for the year 2023. Students exchange and mutual research is the core area of both organization , and PDRi offers no degree courses of it.

  1. Mutual Research & continuing certifications for overseas professionals

Azteca University Mexico for research and certification for overseas 

4.Admission and Facilitation Point For BallsBridge University, Dominica, Cyprus and Ireland

Flexible education for non Pakistanis, around the world.

  1. Kesmonds International University( USA)

Students exchange program and online learning

  1. QAHE- Support Center For Certification
   This is a body called Quality Assurance In Higher Education and offers some courses for professionals in collaboration with more than 1o international universities. See our membership on www.qahe.org Expired in 2023.
It is a unique university that serves to evaluate the education of other recognized universities against the US regionally accredited Universities. This task helps the prospects in converting their regional qualification into US accredited one and hence plays an important role in the professional development. For details check the webpage wwww.cufce.org
    9.   PDRi has reached MOU with Organization of Business Professionals UK which is an international body known as OBPUK and is accredited by many bodies of UK.
     10. PDRi is having mutual recognition with Training Research Accreditation and Certification TX USA

    Important Notice: PDRi offers no education of its own or with collaboration with the above universities. We work on research and professional development only. This page is not exempted from errors and omission. We will be thankful to email us if we are having any deficiency.