Executive Bachelor’s Certificate in Travel and Tourism Management (E.B.C.TTM)

As the world is becoming more and more global nowadays, the present and the future of businesses lie in foreign markets. Hence, the growing demand for expertise in international business and foreign trade. This program is designed for professionals in the middle or senior management positions who would like to strengthen their extensive work experience and be experts in their chosen industry-related field.

Learning Outcome

The concept of a borderless world is slowly being realized with Globalisation as the factor that enables the countries to integrate into a single society. Thus, resulting in greater interdependence and connectivity between them.

By the end of the Executive Bachelor’s in International Business Management program, the students would be able to:

Identify the different sources of globalization and how it affects individuals, organizations, and the global economy as a whole.
Determine the various dimensions of business functions such as management, operations, marketing, and finance and integrate them in the international business context.
Develop analytical and critical thinking skills in addressing the issues that may be brought about by globalization.
Understand how effective negotiation and logistics management skills could contribute to the organization’s success.
Learn the techniques on how to conduct business within the global market.

Modules Covered

IBM310 International Business Management
This module explores fundamental concepts of business on a global scale and develops the learner’s understanding of the interdependent intricacies of international trade, politics, and culture, and their impact on international business management

IBM320 Managing International Workforce
Multinational firms deal with different cultures, customs, and practices from their employees, and have to create policies that are both fair and respectful of their employee’s multicultural traditions. This module will help the student look at all of the different complexities of managing a diverse workforce.

IBM330 International Business Environment
The international business environment includes many different topics from supply and demand, tariffs and taxes, to the political climate and more. This module explores the multidimensional aspects of the international business environment.

IBM340 International Economics
International Economics is the module that explores why countries trade with each other, who regulates trade, and how trade is conducted between countries.

IBM350 International Marketing
International Marketing is the application of marketing principles in multiple international markets. This module, International Marketing, looks into the social, political, economic, and environmental factors of marketing.

IBM360 Import and Export Management
This module will look at the necessary strategies used to import and export goods, how to properly document inbound and outbound products, and to effectively use trade agreements to the benefit of the company.

IBM370 International Trade and Contemporary Issues
Trade policies affect which country an international corporation can operate, and conduct business. This module will help to develop a learner’s ability to assess the international trade environment.

IBM380 International Business Management Capstone Project
This module will allow the learner to demonstrate his/her knowledge of both theories and the understanding of practical applications in International Business Management. By completing the Capstone Project, learners will demonstrate their abilities to apply the necessary theories in real-world applications

What Would You Get at Completion

1. Mastery of and competency in specific targeted job skills much required for personal impact and professional success
2. Nationally recognized and international accredited GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION evidencing your competitive advantage in the job market, locally and internationally
3. Greater confidence to face job-related tasks and achievement of optimized performance
4. Direct application of relevant vocation-specific skills and technical know-how transfer for significantly improved performance at the workplace
5. Higher likelihood of being considered for job promotions and salary upgrades
6. Become officially certified as an EXPERT SPECIALIST, both theoretically and practically, in a specific field of specialization

Entry Requirement

Learners should possess a high level of motivation and self-discipline
-Learners should be proficient in the English language
-Learners should possess at least 6 to 12 months of professional working experience in any field
-Learners must possess basic smartphone or computer operating knowledge and skills

Pathway Options


Up to 12 months


Total Fee 1st Fee Installment 2nd Fee Installment 3rd Fee Installment Research Supervision Charges
599€ 200€ 200€ 99€ 100 Euro


Learning Material

Personalized, easy to understand text-based (reading materials) interactive resources that progressively and systematically takes the learner through various areas of competencies required at the workplace, in a specialized field of study

Assessment of Learning

Personalized exercises, assignments, and/or quizzes are utilized throughout the course/program to measure progress in learning. such comprehensive assessment procedure is characterized by being diagnostic, formative (intervention-oriented), and summative

Completion Requirements

100% completion of courses and assessment therein is required to be able to get certified in the said course and/or program

Grading Scheme

The grading system is defined as follows:

Higher Distinction : 90-100%
Distinction : 80-89%
First Division : 70-79%
Second Division : 60-69%
Satisfactory : 50-59%
Unsatisfactory : 49 % and below

Recognition & Accreditation

The European International University (EIU-Paris) is duly recognized as a Vocational Education & Professional Training (VEPT) service provider in accordance with Article R.6351-6 of the French Employment Code, under the registration number: 11755784775, with the prefecture of the region of ILE-DE-FRANCE, as well as internationally accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities (ASIC), a U.K. Government recognized international accreditation body.

How to Check EIU Listing on French Government Official Website

1. Go to This WebSite
2. You will be directed to a page entitled:
“Public List of Training Organizations (L.6351-7-1 of the Labor Code)”
3. Click “DOWNLOAD” – and when the spreadsheet opens, search for “European International University”




Professional Diploma Courses

PDRi is a globally recognized institution and have affiliations with multiple international bodies

Professional Continuing Education is the hall mark of professional development. PDRi has brought internationally recognized certifications and diploma courses with an easy to do and flexible manner. The candidate can complete the course even from home or job place, and exemption of credits is awarded to those professionals who are having upto 02 years experience in their fields. Moreover due to malpractice and increasing scams in online education, PDRi has placed the graduates views about PDRi on the web page. The candidate can deposit the fee in easy installments. Please fill below online registration form and then check your own email for details , containing further process/ procedure.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)